Wonderful Day! 

February 7th, I spend so much grateful day.

8:40am leave home, riding bicycle 30min to go to Kichijyoji movie theater.

9:20 watching Movie (alone) ” カラフルな魔女” the story of Eiko Kadono. I was so inspired by her creation such as “魔女の宅急便” for long time and this movie was also made me very cheerful feeling.


after movie 11:00am shopping

12:15 pm buying glossary for family dinner

13:00 go back home and gave lunch

baking Pumpkin Pie (good smell of cinnamon)

cleaning room and walking the dog, doing household things.

14:30 my daughter back from school

15:20 help my daughter to leave for piano lesson (cheer up her)

  cooking dinner for my family, getteingdress for concert

16:15 leave for Tokyo Akasaka by train

17:40 meet my best friend, supper with her at arkhills

19:00 Concert at Suntory Hall Bruce Liu and  The Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra

our seat were 4th row from the front! just in front of us, Bruce Liu was playing his beautiful piano.

 The concert was just amazing. Warsaw’s Concert mistress and Bruce were gave us cool  Chopin’s Nocturne op.9!!

I and my best friend of girl, we are big fan of Bruce Liu so, his Chopin was no need to explain, was just beautiful.

23:00 go home and take good bath time

24:00 Sleep

How Grateful one day in Tokyo .