As everyone knows Starbucks Coffee is very popular in Japan. There are more than 1885 stores in all Japan and I was pretty surprised that Shinjuku Gyoen National Park also has a Starbucks and there is a only cafe in Gyoen. Even rising prices are quite severe for Japanese people but it seems people among all generations are glad to go to Starbucks and pay that not cheap beverage .
What I want to say is most of Japanese like Starbucks.
But I found a man who doesn’t want to go to Starbucks. The man is my husband who is around age 40.
As you know, Starbucks give us their concept that ” Starbucks can be your third place” First place is home, second place is workplace and third place is the place you can feel comfortable and somehow want to spend the time. So, many people are going Starbucks then working by PC, studying, meeting friends and so on.
Third place is kind of needed place for concentrate for something or refreshing for mind.
One day, my husband says ” I don’t understand why people willing to go to Starbucks and pay expensive fee for a cup of coffee and I don’t agree people love “Frappuccino” that just luxury beverage even some thoughtless parents buy their kid for that luxury “Frappuccino”.”
Then, he says he love home= “First place” so he doesn’t need “Third place = Cafe “.
But I was wondering.
- He have never tried “Frappuccino” so truth that he might want to taste it?
- He seems not able to studying for his qualification exam at home. He need to be concentrate for it and Cafe can be good place for him?
So, I was preparing a Starbucks Beverage card which the gift card that including one free drink ticket you can order until 670yen’s beverage. I gave this card for his birthday present.(How nice wife I am…)
But unexpecting thing happened.
He said, ” I am not feel like going Starbucks cos I don’t like if the shop was crowded and don’t think I can relax there.”
What that f××cking annoying man he is!!!
I said to him ” You know what? 90% of people feel glad if they was given this Starbucks beverage card and willingly go to the store. I have never met the parson like you.” “But anyway, this Drink ticket have a period, so just I ask you that going to Starbucks and order 600something yen’s expensive beverage, that is just only once, right?”
After that, I realized maybe he feel nervous that going by himself ‘cos going and order and spend a time at Starbucks is kind of not used for his life then not easy for him.
So, I gave a suggestion “Ok, Honey, let’s go to that spacious Starbucks where is the closest to our home. ” Then one the way for, avoiding we are arguing some tiny things, I go first the shop and take a seat for us Two, and waiting for you then you come after that you don’t have to worry about the seat.”

I ordered a tall size of dark mocha chip frappuccino. and take two seat by the side of specious windows. I was enjoying reading book” Momo” by M. Ende.
after 15minites, he arrived. He was taking that drink ticket and orderd Grande size of the same as me “Dark mocha chip Frappuccino”.
He had a seat beside of me, and talk to me very small voice. “OK That is the Frappuccino I got understand the taste.”
Then we are not chatting just spend quite time for each other drinking the cold beverage and reading books.

A few days later, he said ” I understand Frappuccino is pretty delicious but big size made me cold enough and I indeed prefer staying home. I don’t need third place. I am good satisfied just a drip of cheap coffee. It is enough for me.”
It was good experience for him to know “Starbucks” and Me also did a new experience taking one Man to Starbucks was very hard unexpectedly. I will give a different present for his birthday next year but what might he glad? I have no idea….